Get involved

Current opportunities at the Association for Laboratory Medicine.

LabMed is only as strong as our Members and as a LabMed member, you have unique advantages you may not even know about.

We have a strong history of building highly capable leaders in the workforce and NHS. Whether you're looking to move up the ladder or give back to your profession, read on to learn how you can use your LabMed membership to maximise opportunities and satisfaction in your career.  Nurture your career with LabMed

Committee vacancies

When you're interested in a committee vacancy, do you put off applying? Maybe you think you’re not experienced enough or that someone else is being considered.

If you’re passionate about furthering the profession and gaining unparalleled skills in the process, then we want you. You’ll have plenty of support and you might even make a new lifelong friend or two. Below is a list of opportunities for our members to participate in our governance and to support the work of the Association.

Chair and Vice-Chair Vacancies – LabMed Trainees' Committee

The South West and Wessex regional committee is looking for you to join us!

A couple of positions on the committee have recently become vacant, and we highly encourage you to apply for one of the roles.

These committee posts are open to all members of the region, from STPs to consultants.  In addition to being a member of the committee and attending meetings these posts have specific roles. 

  1. Secretary: The committee secretary is responsible for arranging the committee meetings and writing agenda/minutes.  As well as assisting the chair with the running of the committee and acting as a point of contact for other committee members. Time commitment would approximately equate to 2 days per year, including attending the meetings.
  2. Communications Lead: Newly created by the committee to help achieve our aim to improve communication and information sharing with the region. We are looking for someone to re-start and revitalize the regional newsletter and to help review the regional website. As a new post we would welcome the applicant to suggest further ideas for this post.
  3. Green Champion Liaison: A new role created by LabMed for the regional committees and will have the support of the LabMed Green Champions (established in 2022). They will aid in the sustainability of the committee and regional activities, and liaise with the Green Champions. 
  4. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Liaison: A new role created by LabMed for the regional committees and will have the support of the EDI Champions (established 2017). They will work with the committee to support EDI within the committee membership, committee meetings and regional events, and liaise with the EDI Champions.

What does the SW&W regional committee do?  We support the region’s members in training, workforce planning and FCS issues, organise the scientific meetings  and award the regional bursary. Some of our members report the latest news from national committees, and in-turn feedback to them about what is happening in the region including raising any issues or concerns. 

Why join? The committee provides excellent networking opportunities, exchanging of ideas, learning about other laboratory processes and continuing professional development. It can also be a stepping stone for you to consider a role on one of the national committees. These roles will help develop organisational and communication skills, and provide you with an opportunity to help our region.

 If you would like to discuss further or to apply please contact me via email [email protected]

Anna Barton
Chair South West & Wessex Region

Other voluntary opportunities

Below is a list of opportunities for our members to participate activites such as publishing to support the work of the Association.

Patient Centric Sampling Specialist Interest Group

After the successful Patient Centric Sampling Conference in Liverpool this February 2025  we are setting up a specialist interest group. If you are experienced or interested in this area join us to set aims and objectives for the group, and work towards them.

Please complete the form below, outlining any relevant experience

Closing date: Friday 21 March


Join the Lab Tests Online UK Editorial Team

Become a volunteer reviewer or deputy editor with Lab Tests Online UK and:

  • join an editorial board to help with peer reviewing website content
  • gain editorial skills working on an exciting digital publishing project  
  • option to develop a new skillset writing for patients and the public
  • share your expertise with a broad audience (over 2 million pageviews last month)

This CPD activity is an excellent way to develop new specialist skillsets and reach a broad audience with your knowledge of the latest best practices.

If you’re interested, please contact [email protected]


LabMed News Associate Editors

We are looking for members to join our small and friendly LabMed News team as Associate Editors. The main roles include:

  • proof-reading articles
  • working with authors to provide guidance
  • organising meeting reports
  • liaising with other groups (e.g. LabMedUK, LTOL-UK, FCS, Green Champions, EDI Working Group)
  • helping us to champion LabMed values of inclusion, sustainability and innovation
  • participating in, and contributing ideas to, LabMed News Board meetings, held bimonthly via Teams

Attention to detail and working to strict deadlines are essential.

People from across the UK and Ireland, in all specialties and career stages, are welcome to get in touch. For further information and/or an informal chat, please contact: Gina Frederick, Lead Editor, LabMed News and Clinical Biochemist at Royal Derby Hospital. Tel: 01332-789407 E-mail: [email protected]

Digital Learning Board

The Association for Laboratory Medicine are looking to appoint two members to the Digital Learning Board. 

The Digital Learning Board will work in partnership with relevant Executive and Council Colleagues, committee members, stakeholders and the staff team towards the timeline, production, review and approval of content for the Laboratory Medicine Learning Academy.

If you would like to express interest in joining the Digital Learning Board please submit the following form:



Laboratory Medicine Learning Academy Authors

The Academy is as a valuable educational resource available to all our memebers, with a specific focus on aiding trainees preparing for FRCPath examinations. The Association is currently seeking writers for a series of digital learning modules on various topics.

This is an exciting opportunity for experienced professionals to share their expertise with our members, and their future colleagues, while also developing new and honing existing skills as authors. Moreover, compensation is provided for all successful candidates.

For more information please select from the following options:

Modules with Author Vacancies

Laboratory Analytical Skills Modules

  1. Manual Techniques (including pipetting and generation of standard curves)
  2. Assay Data Manipulation (including calibration curve generation and deriving patient results)
  3. Spectrophotometry
  4. Immunoassay
  5. Mass Spectrometry
  6. Interpretation of Enzyme Reaction Curves

Laboratory Data Interpretation Modules

  1. Spectrophotometer Data
  2. Polyethylene Glycol Precipitation
  3. Tumour Markers

Laboratory Management Modules

  1. Laboratory Management (including procurement process, laboratory budgets, and integration into Trust finances)
  2. Laboratory Safety Management (including use of fire extinguishers, laboratory signs, and personal protective equipment)


Submission Requirements and Fees

We are looking for scientific content on the topic of your chosen module with clear Learning Outcomes targeting trainees preparing for FRCPath examinations. Some prior knowledge is assumed, however, basic concepts should be explained.

Whilst the commission is primarily for written content, the aim is to have an exciting learning offering and we encourage other media to be used to support user interaction and embed the knowledge. We will provide you with a comprehensive writer's pack and offer support throughout the development process.


  • 2000 to 3000 words written document and 3 multiple choice style questions to assess the topics covered and knowledge gained or
  •  20 to 30 slides with written commentary and 3 multiple choice style questions to assess the topics covered and knowledge gained

The length is not prescriptive and should be viewed as guidelines only. We encourage you to include as much information as you believe is needed.


Submission of final draft within 2 months of accepting the commission.


We are offering £140 to be claimed within 3 months after completing the work.

Application Form


If you would like to become Academy Author but do not have expertise in the advertised topics, we would still like to hear from you.

Please use the form below to submit your content proposal:

Learning Academy Content Proposal Form



Opportunities with external partners

None at present

None at present

We are committed to encouraging inclusion, equality and diversity in our workforce and volunteers. We are actively trying to increase the diversity of our team. We know that everyone is an individual, so please always tell us what we can do to support you.  

We welcome approaches from individuals from underrepresented groups, including those from minoritised communities, and those with a disability, to better reflect the community we serve and help broaden our perspectives. 

Our values are:   

  • We are innovative – promoting new scientific development to improve health and wellbeing.
  • We are inclusive – ensuring that we are open and accessible to everyone.
  • We care for people – helping the healthcare profession deliver better care and providing a healthy and fulfilling environment for our members and their teams.
  • We care for the planet – influencing how healthcare science can minimise our impact on the wider natural world.