Any professional, either in training or in work, can submit an abstract to be considered for a poster or a clinical case presentation.
Each applicant (who must be the first author, if submitting on behalf of a group) must certify that the work, or a substantial and clearly defined part of it, is their own work.
Applicants should consider how their work contributes to EDI and sustainability values.
Applicants must use the Abstract submission form to apply. Prior to accessing the form, users will be required to create an account with the Oxford Abstracts platform.
During the abstract submission process, authors can also indicate whether they would like their submission to be considered for one of the Conference Prizes, the Clinical Cases Oral Presentation or the Medal Award, and/or for the opportunity to present the poster during the lunchtime Poster Showcase.
Please click on the Medal Award section on the LabMedUK Awards page for more information about this award.
The abstract should be completed in no more than 300 words.
Before submitting, you can check our Poster abstract writing guidelines, our Poster guidelines and our Clinical case presentation guidelines.
The deadline for submitting your poster abstract has been extended to: 9:00 am, 20 February (GMT) each year.
All abstract submissions are anonymised before being reviewed.
All abstracts are reviewed by either the Conference Scientific Programme Working Group or by the LabMed Scientific Affairs and Clinical Practice Committee, to ensure that they are appropriate for presentation at the conference.
All accepted abstracts will be allocated a specific day during the conference to display their poster. Authors should be present at their poster during the lunch break.
This year we are introducing a “Poster of the Day” that will be voted for by conference delegates during the conference. Prizes will be available for posters presented on each of the Tuesday and the Wednesday of the main conference. In order to be eligible for this prize, authors must send a PDF of their poster to [email protected] by 9am Monday 28 April.
Clinical Case submissions are reviewed by the Clinical Science Review Committee and the Clinical Case Oral Presentation session chair.
Criteria for selection include a clear description of the clinical presentation, presentation of the test results, appropriate interpretation of those results.
The case must be a recent case that the author has been actively been involved in within the previous two years of the abstract submission.
Preference will be given to cases with multi-disciplinary involvement, rare case studies, or an unusual presentation of a more common case.
Those shortlisted will be invited to present their case during the interactive clinical case session within the conference programme.
Note that case abstracts presented orally at the meeting session will not be displayed as posters, however the abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings after the conference.
The Clinical Cases Oral Presentation Session is voted for by the audience.
Submissions for the Medal Award will be reviewed and shortlisted by an Award Committee comprising the Association’s President, Past President or President Elect, Director of Publications and Communications, Director of Education, Training and Workforce and the Director of Conferences and Events.
The Medal Award oral presentations and question and answer session will be scored by the judging panel as outlined above.
Those shortlisted will be invited to present their abstract during the Medal Award session within the conference programme. Authors will also be expected to produce a poster for display, these posters are displayed during both the Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference.
The winners will be announced and presented with their prizes at the closing ceremony of the conference.
A poster showcase will be held during the lunchbreak on each day of the main conference. This session will highlight work completed by delegates on some of the topics and themes of the conference. Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference session chairs and selected for a 5 minute slot to present an electronic poster. In 2025 the topics include; POCT, Immunology, Neurology and Inherited Metabolic Disease. There is no monetary prize linked to the poster showcase, this is an opportunity for delegates to showcase their work and contribute to the main themes of the conference. Authors of the selected poster will be informed no later than six weeks prior to the conference and will need to have sent through a PDF of their poster by 9am 28 April. A physical poster will also be required to display during the conference.
The winner of the Medal Award receives £300 and the runner up £150.
The winner for the Clinical Case Oral Presentation receives £100 and the runner-up receives £50.
The winner of the poster of the day will receive £100.
Should authors have more than one abstract selected for oral presentation in one category, they will be asked to select their preferred abstract for presentation.
If you have any questions about the Poster Abstracts or the submission process, please don’t hesitate to contact the Team at [email protected].
Abstract writing tips
- Most test names are not proper nouns and should not be capitalised. Likewise, only proprietary names of drugs should be capitalised, for example: Epilim and valproate.
- Litres should be a capital L.
- It is unusual to include a reference in the abstract.
- Any number at the beginning of a sentence must be in words.
- Nonstandard abbreviations are a useful device to save words but they should always be defined in the first instance.
- Do not use bullet points in an abstract; use full stops or semi colons to separate lists of results.
- Always use a colon instead of a dash.
- There should be a space between a number and a unit (but not in 4oC).
Abstract topics
- Electrolytes
- Bone Disease & Calcium Metabolism
- Laboratory data and informatics
- Management, Quality Improvement and Innovation in Laboratory Medicine
- Quality Assurance
- New networks and services
- Miscellaneous
- Disorders of muscle and articular Disease
- Analytical techniques
- Point of Care Testing
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Environmental Sustainability
- Molecular Genetics
- Immunology
- Haematology and disorders of the haem pathway
- Microbiology and Infective Disorders
- The Brain, CNS, Psychiatric and Neurological Pathology
- Paediatrics and IEM
- Renal Disease
- Hepatic Disease
- Toxicology, TDM and poisoning
- Oncology
- Lipids
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Commercial Services
- Diabetes and Endocrinology
- Gut, Nutrition, Trace Elements