Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I book an event with a purchase order?

  • Ask for a copy of the official purchase order from your accounts department
  • Make sure that it has our details as the supplier (ACB, 130-132 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TU)
  • Include an email address and contact name of the person who requested the purchase order so we can contact them if there are any issues
  • Send the official purchase order to [email protected]  
  • Include delegate name(s) and their access/dietary requirements in your email

Once the Team have received your email with all the above information we will process your event booking and you will receive an automated confirmation email once your event booking has been processed.

Can I book multiple delegates for an event?

We would ask that delegates process bookings individually, so you are able to edit/amend your bookings unless processed by purchase order (see above)

Can I book multiple events?

Unfortunately, you can only book events individually.


How do I access the Members directory?

  • Log in to your Account
  • Select ‘My LabMed’ in the dropdown menu
  • You should see a list on the right-hand side where the ‘Members directory’ is listed
  • Once you have clicked on Members directory it will navigate to another page
  • Please enter the individual’s name you are looking for in the search bar. You also have a series of quick link filters that can be used on this page.

How to I process payment for my Membership fees?

  • Log in to your Account
  • Select ‘My subscriptions’ in the dropdown menu
  • You should now see an orange ‘pay now’ button and/or you should see a button that says ‘direct debit'
  • Once you have clicked this button, you will be able to cancel your direct debit, change your direct debit to a new mandate or change your payment method to card

How do I process my Membership application with a purchase order?

Please email the official purchase order documentation to [email protected] and we will be in touch.

I wish to transfer from Student to full Membership

Student membership is for those who are undergraduates or wholly grant supported postgraduate research students not in paid employment.

On completion of studies, Student membership remains for an individual until their next renewal at which time they shall no longer qualify but if at that time the individual has gained employment as a health professional in laboratory medicine they may convert to full Member.

On gaining employment as a health professional in laboratory medicine Student members may also choose to convert to full Member part way through a subscription year. In doing so the full range of member benefits will then become available and the individual’s Member subscription will commence from the date of conversion and renewal annually on that date thereafter.

Please email [email protected] to enquire about converting membership.

I am taking a career break and wish to pause my membership

Let us know at [email protected].

We have a status of membership titled ‘Temporary Retired’ which allows Members to pause their subscription for an extended period of time whilst they are not working (e.g. sabbatical, parental leave etc).

This allows Members to pause their paying subscription for this duration and on return add the months they were paused on to the end of their previous subscription cycle. The Membership subscription does however need to be in a paid up ('active') state at the moment the pause is enacted.

For example, if an individual renewed Membership in a single annual transaction on 1st January 2024 then entered Temporary Retired status on 1st July 2024 for a period of nine months, then their next renewal would not be due until 1st October 2025 (rather than 1st January 2025 that would have otherwise been the case).

It should be noted that during the time a member has Temporary Retired status most of the benefits of membership would also be paused, we are unable to pause subscriptions retrospectively.

I wish to transfer from full Membership to Retired membership

Let us know at [email protected]

Normally, at the discretion of Council, persons who have been Members of the Association for not less than ten preceding years upon retirement from employment may become Retired Members of the Association on the first day of the subscription year following retirement.

Retired membership is currently free, however it should be noted that many of the benefits of full Membership would no longer be available (such as National Event discounts, access to many online resources, EFLM Academy etc). Retired members still receive regional event discounts, notices and LabMed News but those who ‘retire and return’ so still practicing in some form as a health professional in laboratory medicine are encouraged to remain full Members until they are no longer practicing.

I wish to cancel my Membership

To do this simply email the Membership Team at [email protected]

Please note Membership is an annual commitment. Although of course we would like you to stay a member, you can cancel your Membership at the end of your current subscription period.

For example, if your subscription runs from 1st January your subscription may be cancelled from your next renewal which will be 31st December that year. If your subscription runs from 30th June you may cancel your subscription from your next renewal date which will be 29th June the following year.

My account

Where do I find my certificates for events I have attended?

  • Login to your Account
  • Select ‘My LabMed’ in dropdown menu
  • Scroll down and you should now see all your certificates for events you have attended

How do I use the CPD repository in my account?

  • Select ‘My LabMed’ from the dropdown menu
  • Visit ‘My CPD’

This section contains buttons to ‘Log new activity’ and Download summary or detailed reports.

You can insert date ranges, allocated credits, select domain (if applicable), insert descriptions, reflective learning notes, upload supporting documentation etc

How do I update my details for my membership?

It is the responsibility of the member to keep their details up to date

  • Login to your Account
  • Select ‘Edit profile’ from the dropdown menu

If you have moved regions please email [email protected] and we will update this for you so you receive notices for the correct region.

How do I opt in/out of the directory?

  • Log in to your Account
  • Select ‘Edit profile’ from the dropdown menu
  • Go to ‘My preferences’

We would hope that all members are happy to opt into the directory as this is to help the Association build a better community between all our members.

How do I access the Annals of Clinical Biochemistry?

  • Log in to your Account
  • Select ‘My LabMed’ from the dropdown menu
  • Find the quick link orange button to access the Annals (this button will automatically log you in as a Member to the SAGE Journals site)

How do I access the EFLM Academy?

  • Log in to your Account
  • Select ‘My LabMed’ from the dropdown menu
  • Find the quick link orange button to access the EFLM Academy
  • Insert your email address and password on the page presented to you
  • If you do not know your password please use the ‘forgotten password’ link and insert the email address associated with your My LabMed account
  • If this does not work please email [email protected] and we shall resolve via our contacts at the EFLM Office


I am interested in joining a committee

If you are interested in joining a committee please complete the contact us form (above) with the committee name you are interested in joining and we will notify the committee chair/secretary of your interest.

Committee position and other opportunities to volunteer are also promoted to members periodically by email and we shall soon be launching a ‘volunteering opportunities’ section of this website.


How do I find a resource?

  • Please visit on Our resources
  • You can enter the name or key word(s) for the document you are looking for in the search bar or you can select the topic, speciality or information type on the right-hand side when you scroll down the page and explore.

How do I set up or amend my JISCMail Mailbase account?

  • Visit 'Mailbase discussion' and follow the instructions.
  • We have a general discussion list ([email protected]), but also more specific discussion lists; acb-aki-algorithm, acb-clinical-practice, acb-it, acb-poct, acbpalmnet.