Healthcare professionals

Develop your career and support your profession.

Our members benefit from:

Accessible learning

Events & prizes

  • Once a year chance to network with colleagues nationally at LabMedUK
  • includes popular Leadership and Management and Trainees Residential course and Audit days
  • Celebrate excellence with awards and prizes
  • An annual programme of free regional events

Local networking

  • Each region aims to deliver a free in person and online scientific meeting each year
  • Online scientific meetings are available to all members regardless of where you are in the country so you can access to up to nine free learning events from regional specialists a year
  • Apply online for a regional bursary. Up to 30 available across the regions
  • Get support from your regional tutor and regional trade union representatives

Professional practice

  • NICE guidance responses and summaries
  • Tools to help with method validation and verification
  • Support regional and national audits and policies to improve industry standards
  • An annual research and innovation grant
  • High quality scientific content, resources and events
  • Stay informed with LabMed News, providing insights on key pathology topics

Trade union support

  • The Federation of Clinical Scientists negotiates for better pay and working conditions on your behalf
  • We represent individual members in the NHS at local, Trust and National levels and provide advice and support
  • Become a union rep and help build your leadership skills
  • It would cost significantly more to pay separately to join another union!

Career development

Get involved

  • Join a committee and build your knowledge, networks and profile
  • Write for LabMed news and our website or become an author for the Digital Learning Academy
  • Submit abstracts and articles to the Annals and our conferences or join an editorial board
  • Represent the Association on international committees
  • Support our Sustainability and EDI Champions

Access funding

Membership categories


For health professionals with an interest in Laboratory Medicine.


Discounted rate: for new members in their first 5 consecutive years of membership  -  £165 per annum

Full rate: for those who have been members for longer than 5 years or have left membership since 01 January 2021 and rejoining -  £255 per annum



Available to undergraduates or wholly grant supported post graduate research students who are not in employment. When applying you will be asked for proof of student status (usually a letter from your academic institution with the start and expected finish date of your studies).

(Healthcare professionals in a salaried position such as those on the NHS Scientist Training Programme do not qualify for Student membership and should apply under the Member category)



Membership applications will be sent to Council for approval every monday. the approval process can take up to two weeks depending when you apply. but is usually within 7-10 days.

We offer monthly, biannual or annual subscription payment options however it must be noted that Membership is an annual commitment irrespective of payment frequency. Your subscription will commence on approval and would then be due for renewal each anniversary of that date.

Ready to join us?

The approval process can take up to two weeks.

Apply today