LabMedUK Awards
Poster Abstracts and Prizes
Any professional, either in training or in work, can submit an abstract to be considered for a poster or a clinical case presentation.
Each applicant (who must be the first author, if submitting on behalf of a group) must certify that the work, or a substantial and clearly defined part of it, is their own work.
Applicants should consider how their work contributes to EDI and sustainability values.
Applicants must use the Abstract submission form to apply. Prior to accessing the form, users will be required to create an account with the Oxford Abstracts platform.
During the abstract submission process, authors can also indicate whether they would like their submission to be considered for one of the Conference Prizes, the Clinical Cases Oral Presentation or the Medal Award, and/or for the opportunity to present the poster during the lunchtime Poster Showcase.
Please click on the Medal Award section on the LabMedUK Awards page for more information about this award.
The abstract should be completed in no more than 300 words.
Before submitting, you can check our Poster abstract writing guidelines, our Poster guidelines and our Clinical case presentation guidelines.
The deadline for submitting your poster abstract has been extended to: 9:00 am, 20 February (GMT) each year.
All abstract submissions are anonymised before being reviewed.
All abstracts are reviewed by either the Conference Scientific Programme Working Group or by the LabMed Scientific Affairs and Clinical Practice Committee, to ensure that they are appropriate for presentation at the conference.
All accepted abstracts will be allocated a specific day during the conference to display their poster. Authors should be present at their poster during the lunch break.
This year we are introducing a “Poster of the Day” that will be voted for by conference delegates during the conference. Prizes will be available for posters presented on each of the Tuesday and the Wednesday of the main conference. In order to be eligible for this prize, authors must send a PDF of their poster to [email protected] by 9am Monday 28 April.
Clinical Case submissions are reviewed by the Clinical Science Review Committee and the Clinical Case Oral Presentation session chair.
Criteria for selection include a clear description of the clinical presentation, presentation of the test results, appropriate interpretation of those results.
The case must be a recent case that the author has been actively been involved in within the previous two years of the abstract submission.
Preference will be given to cases with multi-disciplinary involvement, rare case studies, or an unusual presentation of a more common case.
Those shortlisted will be invited to present their case during the interactive clinical case session within the conference programme.
Note that case abstracts presented orally at the meeting session will not be displayed as posters, however the abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings after the conference.
The Clinical Cases Oral Presentation Session is voted for by the audience.
Submissions for the Medal Award will be reviewed and shortlisted by an Award Committee comprising the Association’s President, Past President or President Elect, Director of Publications and Communications, Director of Education, Training and Workforce and the Director of Conferences and Events.
The Medal Award oral presentations and question and answer session will be scored by the judging panel as outlined above.
Those shortlisted will be invited to present their abstract during the Medal Award session within the conference programme. Authors will also be expected to produce a poster for display, these posters are displayed during both the Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference.
The winners will be announced and presented with their prizes at the closing ceremony of the conference.
A poster showcase will be held during the lunchbreak on each day of the main conference. This session will highlight work completed by delegates on some of the topics and themes of the conference. Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference session chairs and selected for a 5 minute slot to present an electronic poster. In 2025 the topics include; POCT, Immunology, Neurology and Inherited Metabolic Disease. There is no monetary prize linked to the poster showcase, this is an opportunity for delegates to showcase their work and contribute to the main themes of the conference. Authors of the selected poster will be informed no later than six weeks prior to the conference and will need to have sent through a PDF of their poster by 9am 28 April. A physical poster will also be required to display during the conference.
The winner of the Medal Award receives £300 and the runner up £150.
The winner for the Clinical Case Oral Presentation receives £100 and the runner-up receives £50.
The winner of the poster of the day will receive £100.
Should authors have more than one abstract selected for oral presentation in one category, they will be asked to select their preferred abstract for presentation.
If you have any questions about the Poster Abstracts or the submission process, please don’t hesitate to contact the Team at [email protected].
Abstract writing tips
- Most test names are not proper nouns and should not be capitalised. Likewise, only proprietary names of drugs should be capitalised, for example: Epilim and valproate.
- Litres should be a capital L.
- It is unusual to include a reference in the abstract.
- Any number at the beginning of a sentence must be in words.
- Nonstandard abbreviations are a useful device to save words but they should always be defined in the first instance.
- Do not use bullet points in an abstract; use full stops or semi colons to separate lists of results.
- Always use a colon instead of a dash.
- There should be a space between a number and a unit (but not in 4oC).
Abstract topics
- Electrolytes
- Bone Disease & Calcium Metabolism
- Laboratory data and informatics
- Management, Quality Improvement and Innovation in Laboratory Medicine
- Quality Assurance
- New networks and services
- Miscellaneous
- Disorders of muscle and articular Disease
- Analytical techniques
- Point of Care Testing
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Environmental Sustainability
- Molecular Genetics
- Immunology
- Haematology and disorders of the haem pathway
- Microbiology and Infective Disorders
- The Brain, CNS, Psychiatric and Neurological Pathology
- Paediatrics and IEM
- Renal Disease
- Hepatic Disease
- Toxicology, TDM and poisoning
- Oncology
- Lipids
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Commercial Services
- Diabetes and Endocrinology
- Gut, Nutrition, Trace Elements
Medal Award
Awarded annually based on an oral communication presented by a member in active training at LabMedUK. The winner receives a £300 cash prize, while the runner-up receives £150.
Applicants must be Members of the Association who were in active training (i.e. working towards, but not yet having acquired FRCPath) when the work submitted for the award was completed. Applicants may submit this work as an abstract to the meeting within one year of being awarded FRCPath.
Applicants must certify that the work, or a substantial and clearly defined part of it, is their own work.
Cases will not be accepted for the Medal Award.
Applicants should outline the impact that their project has had and should also consider sustainability and EDI within their project.
The shortlist for the Medal Award will be selected from the Poster Abstract submissions.
In the Abstracts submissions form, applicants should submit an abstract of no more than 300 words. Please read the guidance on how to submit your abstract in the Poster Prizes section of the LabMedUK Awards page.
Applicants must indicate on the submission form that the author wishes their abstract, if accepted, to be considered for the Medal Award. Applicants may submit their abstract for the Medal Award and the Poster Showcase but will only be able to present at one of these sessions. If selected for both, the applicant will be asked to choose which selection they would like to take forward.
The deadline for submitting your poster abstract, including consideration for the Medal Award, is 9:00 am, 20 February each year (GMT).
The judges on the Award Committee will look for evidence of original science that is relevant to Laboratory Medicine, that is completed by the presenter and has impact on the patient pathway.
Shortlisting and judging is completed by an Award Committee, comprising the Association’s President, Past President or President Elect, Director of Publications & Communications, Director of Education, Training & Workforce, and the Director of Conferences and Events.
Shortlisted Medal Award applicants will be informed not less than 6 weeks before the Award. Those shortlisted will be invited to present their abstract at LabMedUK during a separate session dedicated to the Medal Award presentations within the conference programme. Participants will be given 10 minutes to make their presentation with a further 5 minutes for questions. Judges will also look for a clear and interesting delivery, careful timing, good audio-visual aids, and the ability to discuss the project and answer questions and evidence of the applicant’s contribution to the project.
Authors will also be expected to produce a poster for display, these posters are displayed during both the Tuesday and Wednesday of the conference.
The winner and runner-up will be announced at the LabMedUK closing ceremony.
This Award was first donated in 1971 by Miles Laboratories Limited, Ames Division and later by Bayer Diagnostics UK Limited. It was then sponsored by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics until 2010. Following a review of the Awards in 2010, a new award known as the Medal Award was introduced. Sponsorship by individual Corporate Members has been invited as part of the overall LabMedUK sponsorship package from 2011 onwards.
2024 Ryan Cooper
2024 Gavin Mercer-Smith (runner-up)
2023 Nick Flynn
2023 Jonathan Atkins (runner-up)
2022 Bryony Hickton
2022 Rebecca Lo (runner-up)
2021 Jennifer Nobes
2019 Dr D Church
2019 Mr D J Marshall (runner-up)
2018 Dr S Thirkettle
2018 Mr D J Marshall (runner-up)
2017 Dr R Stead
2017 Dr E Wilkes (runner-up)
2016 Dr J Wadsworth
2016 Miss R George (runner-up)
2015 Dr D Schulenburg-Brand
2015 Dr A J F Lawson (runner-up)
2014 Dr A Cooper
2014 Miss K Hadfield (runner-up)
2013 Miss G Sanki
2013 Miss L Ghandhi (runner-up)
2012 Dr S L Hanton
2012 Miss E Ashley (runner-up)
2011 Mr N Unsworth
2011 Dr G Pourmahram (runner-up)
2010 Miss C Glicksman
2010 Miss S Jarvis (runner-up)
Impact Award
The Impact Award is an opportunity for Members of the Association working in Laboratory Medicine to showcase and be recognised for an initiative they have delivered, either as an individual or group, which has resulted in positive change to a service.
This can be positive change in relation to:
- The patient pathway
- Health systems and services
- The laboratory workforce
- Environmental sustainability
- Inclusive healthcare
The overarching qualifying criteria is that the initiative submitted is innovative to the sector and/or your workplace, and that it resulted in demonstrable change that benefitted the stakeholders involved.
This initiative must have been implemented, and not be solely research or a study. However, it may be something that was already implemented in other industries, communities or countries, that you adapted and refined to solve a challenge related to your clinical practice and/or stakeholders involved in that practice. The initiative must have been delivered within the previous 5 years of the submission cut-off date.
The person(s) awarded must be able to deliver a plenary lecture about the initiative at LabMedUK. In the case of a group submission, the awardees can nominate a lead presenter or present as a group.
Submission is by self-nomination and completion of the Impact Award online submission form by the corresponding presenter. The form requires the applicant to fill in the following sections, in no more than 1000 characters per section:
The background to the initiative
The action taken through the initiative
The impact the initiative had
The deadline for submitting applications to the Impact Award is 09:00 am, 28 February each year (GMT).
Anonymised applications are scored by the Executive committee based on the ability to evidence the positive change that resulted from the implementation of the initiative.
A successful submission will clearly demonstrate the problem you were facing (baseline), the steps you took to address it (implementation), and how those made a difference (impact).
Things that will be considered when scoring your submission and that you should highlight in it are:
- What KPIs (if any) did you use to measure the level of success of your initiative?
- What qualitative evidence can you provide demonstrating the success of your initiative?
- How big was the problem you were trying to solve?
- How unique is your initiative?
- How easy was it to implement?
- How many people and/or practices benefitted from this initiative?
- Can it be scaled for the benefit of others?
The Awardee(s) will present their work at LabMedUK and will receive a suitable memento.
If you have any questions about the Impact Award or its submission process, please don’t hesitate to contact the Team at [email protected].
2024 Catherine Dibden
2023 Mandy Perry and Tim McDonald
2022 Ranganath Lakshminarayan, Nicolas Sireau and James Gallagher
Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award
The award is to recognise an outstanding contribution to Laboratory Medicine by an Association Member, who is normally resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
The recipient will be a Member of the Association, normally resident in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland, who is acknowledged as having made an outstanding contribution to Laboratory Medicine and has been nominated by their peers.
Written nominations are sought from a proposer, who is a Member of the Association. Nominations must be accompanied by a supporting statement outlining the nature of the contribution made by the nominee and the reasons for consideration for the Award. Nominations can be made through the online nomination form, which can be found here, and should include a supporting statement of up to 10,000 characters outlining the nature of the contribution made by the nominee and the reasons for consideration for the Award in line with the scoring criteria outlined below.
Members can also self-nominate for the Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award.
All Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award nominations must be submitted by 9:00 am, 31 January each year (GMT).
- The recipient is selected by the Association’s Nominations Committee and the successful nominee will be advised 2-3 months prior to the award being made.
- The submission will be scored out of 10 marks*, the following criteria will be considered during the scoring process:
- Significant leader in innovation or service delivery
- Significant achievements in teaching or training
- Has led/Chaired/been a member of a national programme in their specialist field
- Has led/Chaired/been a member of an international working group/subcommittee in specialist field
- Published Manuscript in scientific journal with international peer reviewing
- Scientific projects – PhD/postdoc research and scientific societies’ working group positions
*The score should be an overall score for excellence in one or more of these areas, the individual does not have to display excellence in all of the above. i.e a nominee who scores well, but not outstanding, in all of the above should not outscore an individual who scores outstandingly in one or two criteria.
- Should more that one nomination be received for an individual, each submission will be scored separately on its own merit.
- Council is informed of this outcome at its first meeting after the selection is completed. The awardee is invited to accept the award by letter from the President. The Award is presented by a representative of the Association’s Executive after the recipient has delivered the Laboratory Medicine Foundation Lecture. Recipients must be available to present the lecture at the LabMedUK meeting that follows their nomination.
The Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award is presented annually at LabMedUK. The recipient will give a plenary lecture (The Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award Lecture) on the area of laboratory medicine for which they were nominated. A suitable memento will also be given to the recipient.
Previous recipients of the LabMed (ACB) Laboratory Medicine Foundation Award
2024 Brian Keevil
2023 Paul Collinson
2022 Judith Strachan
2021 Julian Barth
2019 Dr J Sheldon
2018 Dr M A Myers
2017 Dr W A Bartlett
2016 Prof N A Sattar
2015 Prof S Halloran
2014 No award
2013 Dr W J Marshall
2012 Prof I Young
2011 Dr I D Watson
2010 Dr C M Sturgeon
2009 Prof A Shenkin
2008 Dr R G Jones
2007 Prof C Packard
2006 Prof W D Fraser
2005 Prof J P Luzio
2004 Dr M J Wheeler
2003 Dr I C Barnes
2002 Dr G H Beastall
2001 Prof P Vadgama
2000 Prof C H Self
1999 Prof J Shepherd
1998 Dr S B Rosalki
1997 Prof B Burchell
1995 Dr C G Fraser
1994 Prof C P Price
1993 Prof G H Elder
1992 Prof J T Whicher
1991 Prof C N Hales
1990 Prof R Ekins
International Lecturer Award
This prestigious award was introduced in 2011, replacing the Siemens Award Lecture and the Roche Diagnostics Award Lecture (previous winners of these awards can also be found below). This award is given in alternate years.
Nominated persons should normally be practising laboratory scientists from outside of the UK who have made a major contribution to Laboratory Medicine – in practice, research or in education.
The recipient is invited to give a state-of-the-art lecture in their area of expertise and the Award will be a suitable memento.
The LabMedUK Scientific Programme Committee will be invited to nominate a recipient.
The nominee must be willing to be proposed and willing to deliver an Award Lecture at LabMedUK.
The nomination is ratified by Executive. If there is more than 1 nomination, the recipient will be selected by Executive.
Council is informed of the outcome at its first meeting after selection of the recipient.
Previous International Lecturers
2023 - Maria Fitzgibbon
2022 - Tomris Ozben
2021 - No award
2020 2019 - No award
2019 - No award
2018 - No award
2017 - No award
2016 - Prof S Sandberg (Bergen)
2015 - Prof J Horton (Dallas)
2014 - No award
2013 - Dr H M J Goldschmidt (Utrecht)
2012 - Prof H A Morris (Adelaide)
2011 - Prof M Plebani (Padova)
Siemens Award Lecturers (1982-2009)
This Award was first donated in 1981 by Kone Diagnostics, then by Dade Behring and, until 2010, by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics.
2009 Prof B Reeves
2008 Prof L M Thienpont
2007 Prof Sir Muir Gray
2006 Prof C Lowe
2005 Prof P Gillery
2004 Dr P Garnero
2003 Prof A R Horvath
2002 Prof D Hochstrasser
2001 Dr H Kuiper
2000 Prof P E Jansen
1999 Prof C N Hales
1998 Prof D Haussinger
1997 Prof S R Bloom
1995 Prof K G M M Alberti
1994 Dr C Lieber
1993 Prof P Wilding
1992 Prof O Siggaard-Andersen
1991 Prof P O Seglen
1990 Prof R Huber
1989 Prof A Gribb
1988 Prof D W Moss
1987 Dr J M Hicks
1986 Prof G Siest
1985 Prof P D Griffiths
1984 Mr P M G Broughton
1983 Dr F L Mitchell
1983 Prof T P Whitehead
1982 Prof P Astrup
Roche Diagnostics Award Lecturers (1988-2009)
The Roche Diagnostics Award (formerly the Boehringer Mannheim Award) was used by the Association to fund the visit of an international lecturer.
2009 Sir John Bell
2008 Prof J M B Hicks
2007 Prof U-H Stenman
2006 Prof L Chan
2005 Prof J Westgard
2004 Prof J Squire
2003 Prof G Lundberg
2002 Prof R Williamson
2001 Prof Y-M D Lo
2000 Prof J Collinge
1999 Prof H G Burger
1998 Prof P Bennett
1997 Dr E M Brown
1996 Prof I Hay
1995 Prof E Wright
1994 Prof P R Larsen
1993 Prof S Lieberman
1992 Prof R Ross
1991 Dr B Rifkind
1990 Prof A Cerami
1989 Prof M A Epstein
1988 Dr G Bolli
Transatlantic Award Lecture
The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Transatlantic Lecture was inaugurated in 1998 when the National Meeting was held in Glasgow. This was the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the ADLM (previously the AACC). The procedure for selecting the Transatlantic Lecture has evolved over this time.
This award is given in alternate years. The speaker’s expenses will cover travel (economy) plus registration and accommodation for the full meeting.
- The ADLM President is invited to speak at the conference by the LabMed President, or to select a suitable alternative speaker.
- The major qualification for the speaker is that he or she is a leading laboratory medicine clinical scientist or clinician from the American Continent. The person will be able to deliver a plenary lecture on a subject usually relevant to one of the themes of the conference.
The lecturer does not need to be a Member of ADLM nor only be resident in the USA.
Previous ACB/AACC Transatlantic Award Lecturers
2024 Octavia Peck-Palmer (Pittsburgh)
2022 Dr Shannon Haymond (Chicago)
2019 Dr C Wiley (Minnesota)
2018 Dr D J Dietzen (Missouri)
2017 Prof M J Bennett (Philadelphia)
2016 Prof P Jones (Texas)
2015 Prof D Koch (Atlanta)
2014 Dr G Tsongalis (New Hampshire)
2013 Prof R H Christensen (New Orleans)
2012 Dr G Miller (New Orleans)
2011 Prof R Felder (Charlottesville)
2010 Prof M G Scott (Missouri)
2009 Prof C Lehmann (New York)
2008 Prof M J Bennett (Philadelphia)
2007 Prof D Sacks (Boston)
2006 Prof N Rifai (Boston)
2005 Dr C Burtis (Oak Ridge)
2004 Dr R H Christenson (Baltimore)
2003 Prof C Spencer (Los Angeles)
2002 Dr A Wu (Connecticut)
2001 Dr R W Hart (New York)
1999 Prof M McQueen (Hamilton, Canada)
1998 Dr P Agre (Baltimore)
Audit Award
The Audit Award will be presented at the National Audit Day meeting
Any professional, either in training or in work, can submit an abstract to be considered for a poster presentation.
Each applicant (who must be the first author, if submitting on behalf of a group) must certify that the work, or a substantial and clearly defined part of it, is their own work.
Applicants should consider how their work contributes to EDI and sustainability values.
Applicants must use the Abstract submission form to apply. Prior to accessing the form, users will be required to create an account with the Oxford Abstracts platform.
The abstract should be completed in no more than 300 words.
All abstract submissions are anonymised before being reviewed.
Audit submissions are reviewed by the Audit committee. A successful submission includes a clear description of the area of practice, the standards/ guidelines used, changes introduced, and re-audit.
Delegates that attend the National Audit meeting vote for the best audit poster.
The winner for receives £100 and the runner-up receives £50.