A LabMed hosted conference exploring patient needs, policy/governance issues around alternatives to routine clinical sample collection, procurement challenges within the NHS and successful clinical pathways employing patient centred sample collection.

The day aims to bring together key opinion formers in the area of microsampling / patient centric sampling, the patient need, businesses providing technologies and regulatory bodies. We invite stimulating discussion about how we can shape this rapidly developing pre-analytical field and integrate it into our future laboratory practices. A great day for networking with microsampling colleagues across the country.

Preferential rates have been booked at Novotel Liverpool Paddington Village, at £85 per night B&B.  These rates are available until 17 January 2025.  To book please call the hotel directly on 0151 245 6694 / 6697 quoting code 777969.

This event has been awarded 5 CPD credits from the Royal College of Pathologists

9.00  Registration

9.30  The Patient

Neil Spooner (PCSIG) - Introduction and Chair

9.40  Making blood sampling accessible to all - why it is so important - perspectives from the Learning Disability community, carers and health professionals  
Julia Smith (GP Partner, Carnforth & Milnthorpe PCN) and Sarah Duffin (Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner, Morecambe Bay All Age Learning Disability Service) 

10.00  Putting patients at the centre
Jenny Royal (Strategic Lead & Director, MediPaCe) 

10.20  Sample Acquisition: Shaping the National Approach – Our Work Thus Far  
Divine Azange (National Pathology Transformation Implementation Lead, NHS England) ​​​​​​

10.40  Coffee break and networking

11.10  Regulatory Issues

Katharine Hayden (President LabMed) - Chair

11.15  A paradigm shift on patient centred sample collection in the UK and how future regulations will enable it  
Joseph Burt
(Head of Diagnostics & General Medical Devices, MHRA) 

11.35  Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Direct to Consumer Tests  
Alyson Bryant
(Accreditation Specialist, UKAS)  

11.55  Regulations, Risks, and Results: Navigating Clinical Pathways with Patient-Centric Sampling  
Debra Padgett
(Clinical Pathology Lead, Past-President IBMS, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) 

12.10  Lunch, exhibition and networking

13.40  Patient Centric Sampling in Practice

Alex Yates (Chair SACP, Countess of Chester Hospital) - Chair

13.45  Capillary blood testing - automatic for the people  
Tim Woolley
(Chief Scientific Officer, Inuvi) 

14.05  Unlocking the promise of decentralised diagnostics - Deliver great experiences to patients without sacrificing quality or safety  
Hamish Grierson
(CEO and Co-Founder, Thriva Solutions) 

14.25  Applications and challenges of remote patient led blood collection in the NHS  
Tim McDonald
(Clinical Director Blood Sciences, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) 

14.45  Involving and Engaging Myeloma Patients in Remote Monitoring Research  
Nithya Paranthaman
(Senior Scientific Officer, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust)  

15.05  Immunosuppressant Drug Monitoring Using Finger Prick Blood Collection  
Brian Keevil
(Consultant Clinical Scientist, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust) 

15.30  Tea Break

15.45  Interactive panel discussion

Development of working group and best practice guidelines for clinical laboratories

16.45  Close

Conference Sponsors