LabMed TNY Regional Audit Day
LabMed TNY Regional Audit Day
The TNY Regional Audit Day provides an excellent opportunity to share learning and good practice across the North of England. There will be prizes awarded to the top two audits judged by the panel.
The event will also include the TNY Regional AGM (TNY members only).
The agenda for the day is as follows, and the process for entering an audit presentation is detailed below.
Morning session - shorter audits
10:00-10.15 Welcome
10.15-10.30 Cortisol conundrum: To Mass Spec or not to Mass Spec
Stephen Gibbons, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
10.30-10.45 Assessing appropriateness of teicoplanin requests in relation to local guidelines for therapeutic drug monitoring
Eloise Haynes, Biochemistry STP 2nd year, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
10.45-11.00 Clinical audit of possible AKIs when there are no results in the past year for the algorithm to calculate from
Tommy Bancroft, Biochemistry STP 2nd year, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
11.00-11.15 A Quality Improvement Project to reduce unnecessary serum osmolality analysis – an audit of the impact on the laboratory
Alison Jones, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
11.15-12.30 LabMed TNY Annual General Meeting - All TNY Region members welcome
12.30-13.30 Lunch
Afternoon session - longer audits
13.30-14.00 Fluid prescribing by junior doctors
Nudar Jassam, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
14.00-14.30 Clinical audit of Macroprolactin requesting
Mark Tremaine, Biochemistry STP 2nd year
14.30-15.00 Procalcitonin Panic: Cutting down on unnecessary requesting
Kevin Stuart, Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-15.30 Award presentation and closing remarks