Global coagulation testing - Global fibrinolysis testing

Global coagulation testing - Global fibrinolysis testing

Join this free webinar as part of your EFLM Academy membership (included in LabMed membership).

Speakers: Zsuzsa Bagoly (Hungary) - Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine Division of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Debrecen (Hungary); Mojca Božič Mijovski (Slovenia) - Laboratory of Hemostasis and Atherothrombosis, Dept. of Vascular Diseases University Medical centre Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Learning objectives:

1. To understand the main principle of global coagulation testing.
2. To list the differences between traditional and global coagulation tests.
3. To understand the main principles of global fibrinolysis testing and the results provided by these tests