ACB President Bernie Croal discusses at-home health tests in Mail Online article

This week, ACB President Bernie Croal's statement on DIY health tests was featured in the Mail Online article titled Helpful or harmful? As Tesco starts selling DIY kits to detect cancer, experts warn of potential dangers of post-Covid testing boom.

Bernie Croal is quoted as saying that 'the public has been taking a bigger interest in their own health, especially since the pandemic and likely driven by an apparent and in many cases real difficulty in accessing NHS services.' 

However, he adds that 'unnecessary testing, especially if sensitivity is high, can lead to many false positive results. Five per cent of normal people will have an abnormal flag for any test, even if nothing is wrong.'

The article includes the ACB President's belief that 'relative lack of regulation, quality checking, and appropriateness in home testing remains of great concern to the professional community.' 

Read the article in full here.