Chartered Scientist

Apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci) status through LabMed.

The award of Chartered Scientist is a prestigious status bestowed by the Science Council through Licensed Bodies.

LabMed was granted Licensed Body status in March 2006. Members of licensed bodies and their affiliates who meet distinct criteria laid down by the Science Council may apply for this status. The award of Chartered Scientist allows the successful applicants to append the term CSci after their name and sets the individual practitioner at a high level of their profession sending a clear signal to future employers, colleagues and the public as a whole about the quality of the practitioner’s scientific knowledge, application and professionalism. It does not substitute for statutory registration which members in the healthcare professions require to be able to work, but may provide a commonly understood and accepted signal to the public, since there is no qualification that can be used for being registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) or General Medical Council (GMC).

The regulations and assessment procedure involve establishing objective criteria set by the Science Council and interpreted by the Association to suit members. Joint applications to join the Association for Laboratory Medicine and for Chartered Scientist status would be dealt with concurrently but independently. However, Chartered Scientist status through this licensed body is dependent upon acceptance and continuation as a member of the Association. Chartered Scientist applications are reviewed and ratified by a team under the Director of Education, Training & Workforce.

More information regarding Chartered Scientists can be viewed at Science Council - Chartered Scientist (CSci)


Successful applicants would normally be expected to

  • Be an active and fully paid up Member of the Association.
  • Be in one of the following qualifying categories of membership - Member, Emeritus, Fellow or Honorary. Federation, Retired, Student and Corporate Members are not eligible to apply for CSci at this time.
    Those in the Emeritus, Fellow or Honorary categories who frequently continue working in some form must be in a position to maintain the required level of CPD to qualify.
  • Hold a Masters or equivalent* or higher Degree with a minimum of 4 years’ experience thereafter.
    • For Clinical Scientists, you would be expected to have
      – EITHER have held an MSc and have been registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) for a minimum of 2 years
      – OR without an MSc or equivalent, be registered with the HCPC with a minimum of 3 years.
    • For Biomedical Scientists, you would be expected to have held a Masters degree for at least 4 years irrespective of when you registered with the HCPC.
    • For Medically qualified Members, have achieved an MSc, MD, PhD, DipRCPath or FRCPath for a minimum of 4 years.
    • For health professionals in other professions not covered by the HCPC or GMC, you must provide other evidence to meet the criterion of 4 years post Masters Level.
  • Comply with the CPD requirements of the profession and the Science Council.
  • Comply with the LabMed Code of Conduct.
  • Apply appropriate work ethics in all you undertake.

*Applicants for CSci who do not hold a Level 7 or above qualification must complete a CSci equivalence report.
For more information and guidance please see CSci Equivalence Report and CSci Equivalence Report Guidance for Applicants.
If you require any advice from the Association towards this please contact us.



The Science Council require an annual payment for registration while the Licensed Body (LabMed) needs to cover additional administration costs since it is responsible for processing and validating applications and registration. The total fees listed below must be paid by card via your LabMed online account in the first instance.
Renewal fees must then be paid on membership subscription renewal year either by direct debit or by card via your LabMed online account, in addition to the normal membership subscription fees.

Initial application £85

Covers assessment and registration fees through to December of the initial registration year. However, members becoming registered for CSci between October and December in any year will have registration until December of the following year before requiring renewal.

Annual renewal thereafter £75

Covers registration for the period January to December of each subsequent year.


Chartered Scientist Details and Application Forms

For more information and to appy, visit Science Council - How to apply for registration.
For advice and guidance towards your application, visit Science Council - Support with my application.

Alternatively, you may apply via the Association using the below forms.

If you require advice or support from us towards your Chartered Scientist application please contact us and we will be happy to help.


Forms and Guidance documents


Application form for registration as a Chartered Scientist via licensing body LabMed


Competences form


Competences report


CSci Competence Report Example.pdf


CPD Standards for registrants


CPD Standards: Definitions and examples of learning activities


Also see Science Council - CPD Advice and Support for more information and guidance, along with some useful case studies, tools and templates.


CSci Applicant Supporter Review Template with Guidance


If you require any further information or advice regarding an application for Chartered Scientist (CSci) registration or CPD please contact us.



The information and documentation on this page was last reviewed in June 2024 and is next due for review by representatives of the Education & Training Committee in June 2026