The Wales Committee supports to all our members in Wales. We work to improve all aspects of clinical science in local laboratories and join with our colleagues at national level to take forward clinical biochemistry, immunology & microbiology as a vital part of the modern health service.
Wales Committee
Mrs S Prosser - Chair & Representative on Council
Mrs H Codd - Secretary
Dr B Tennant - Treasurer
Mrs N Colman - Meetings Secretary
Dr S M Tennant - Regional Tutor
Mr J Roper - Trainees Committee Representative
Mr G A Armstrong - FCS Representative
Vacant - CPS Representative
Mr M Hernandez/Dr Brixey-McCann - Audit Representatives
Dr Craig McKibbin - Communications Officer
Dr Catrin Searell - Ordinary Member
Ms F A Wood - Ordinary Member
Wlin Davies - Immunology Representative
vacant - Microbiology Representative
vacant - Genetics Representative