Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland Committee supports all our members in the Republic of Ireland. We work to improve all aspects of clinical science in local laboratories and join with our colleagues in the UK to take forward clinical biochemistry, immunology & microbiology as a vital part of the modern health service. The regional committee works closely with the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland (ACBI) to support members interests, particularly training and education.

Republic of Ireland Committee

  • Ms Alison Bransfield - Chair, Representative on Council

  • Dr Janice Reeve - Secretary/Treasurer

  • Dr Janice Reeve - Regional Tutor

  • Ms Eileen Byrne - Regional Trainee Representative

  • Dr Brendan Byrne - Regional Audit Lead

  • Dr Paula O’Shea - Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland (ACBI) Representative

  • Dr Roshaida Abdul Wahab - Ordinary Member


Republic of Ireland audit group

In collaboration with the ACBI, this group aims to evaluate services against standards of practice.

Republic of Ireland Virtual Scientific Event and AGM

Friday 23rd February 2024

This was a half-day virtual event which showcased members’ papers.

The AGM for members of the region was held at the end of the scientific programme (see below).


Republic of Ireland Members Papers Awards

Each year members are invited to submit an abstract for oral presentation at the Republic of Ireland annual event which normally takes place in January. Authors of successful abstracts will be selected to present and a winner will be chosen.

Congratulations to our most recent members papers winners:
2021 - Ms Ruth Cullen
2020 - Dr Anne Lardner

Abstract submission guidelines and instructions for authors
We normally welcome abstracts relating to laboratory audit, novel research or case presentations.
• Abstracts must be typed in Microsoft Office Word format only, using single spacing of 12-point font size in Arial font.
• The title of the abstract should be clear, concise and informative
• The author’s initials and surname should appear below the title. Author’s institutions should be listed numerically, if more than one. The presenting author should be highlighted and their email address included.
• The text of the abstract (excluding title, authors and references) must not exceed 250 words. Figures and tables are not allowed.
• The abstract text should clearly describe the study/audit, results and conclusions. Headings within the text are unnecessary. All abbreviations must be clearly defined. Statistical tests used must be specified. All abbreviations must be clearly defined.
• The presenter is responsible for the content of the abstract and assuring that all authors have been informed of the presentation and have agreed the data submitted.
• The submitting author should also be registered to attend the meeting.


Republic of Ireland Annual General Meeting - 23 February 2024

Members were invited to attend the Republic of Ireland Annual General Meeting which took place virtually on 23 February 2024.

The draft minutes of the 2024 AGM are available.

LabMed Republic of Ireland 2024 AGM minutes Draft