Education, Training and Workforce

We are passionate about training and education and strive to make sure that every trainee clinical biochemist within the National Health Service receives proper training on approved courses of study.

The Education Committee supports the promotion and delivery of training of Clinical Biochemists at all stages of their careers through a co-ordinated programme of training courses, organising and monitoring in-service training through a network of Regional Tutors. The Committee also monitors and co-ordinates manpower planning.

The Education Committee, in conjunction with the Regional Tutors and Trainees Committee, form a multi-disciplinary group of scientific and medical professionals who work to provide education, training and support to trainees within the fields of laboratory medicine.

Members are involved throughout the training process and the Association has representation on all major bodies responsible for training including the National School of Healthcare Science, Royal College of Pathologists and the Academy for Healthcare Science.

The key activities of the Education Committee and Regional Tutors in providing support for members include:

  • Offering guidance and support to all members throughout their training and beyond
  • Organisation of nationally accredited training course with tailored teaching to support the FRCPath examinatons
  • Delivering management and leadership courses to support consultant level training
  • Monitoring of training through the network of Regional Tutors who provide an external point of contact for trainees, run annual assessments to ensure trainees are progressing successfully and provide support for those who encounter difficulties in their training
  • Offering education travel bursaries to help members attend and showcase their research at scientific meetings
  • Reviewing workforce planning issues nationally

Education, Training & Workforce Committee

  • Katie Hadfield - Director of Education, Training & Workforce
  • vacant - Deputy Director of Education, Training & Workforce
  • Kevin Deans - Royal College of Pathologists (Examinations)
  • Adrian Park - Royal College Pathologists (Specialty Training Committee)
  • Charles van Heyningen - Workforce Lead
  • Jonathan Scargill - Deputy Workforce Lead
  • Annie Cook - Trainees Committee Representative
  • vacant - Federation of Clinical Scientists Representative
  • Alexandra Yates - Scientific Committee Representative
  • Helen Ashby - Clinical Practice Representative
  • vacant - Medical Trainees Representative (Clinical Practice)
  • vacant - Medical Trainees Representative (Trainees Committee)
  • Stephen McDonald - Member
  • Maria Squires - Member
  • Ravishankar Sargur - Member (Immunology)
  • vacant - Member (Microbiology)
  • Donna Fullerton - Lead Station Writer
  • Emma Walker - Co-opted - Management Course Co-ordinator
  • Donna Fullerton - Co-opted - Paediatric Metabolic Biochemistry Training
  • Edmund Rab - Co-opted - Toxicology Training
  • Lisa Berry - Co-opted - Microbiology Training
  • Alison Whitelegg - Co-opted - Immunology Training
  • Robert Shorten - Corresponding Member - Chair of Microbiology Professional Committee
  • Alison Whitelegg - Corresponding Member - Chair of Immunology Professional Committee

Trainees Committee

Represents pre-registration trainees in healthcare science as well as all members working towards FRCPath. The Trainees Committee provides support for members such as:

  • Advising Council of matters of concern to trainees and seeking ways to respond to these concerns.
  • Informing trainees of Council’s activities and considering matters suggested for discussion by Council and other standing committees.
  • Disseminating information about the Association's activities amongst all trainees.
  • Fairly representing all trainee groups within the Association by providing representatives for regions, standing committees and speciality groups including the Immunology Group, the Microbiology Group and the Federation of Clinical Scientists’ National Committee.

We make sure the voice of our trainee members is heard by senior members of the profession instrumental in the structure and content of training and examinations. Our Trainees Committee conveys the views of our trainee members on subjects such as the NHS Scientist Training Programme, Royal College of Pathologists’ examinations, as well as the content and location of Association Training Courses. A Trainees Committee representative sits on the Royal College of Pathologists Specialist Advisory Committee for Biochemistry, the Royal College of Pathologists Trainees’ Advisory Committee, in addition to the Council and Education Committee. 

Trainees Committee

  • Monika Jankute - Chair
  • Annie Cook - Vice Chair
  • Charlotte Harborow - Regional Representative - North West
  • Ben Nicholson - Regional Representative - Yorkshire
  • Lauren Carroll - Regional Representative - Northern
  • Gary Roulston - Regional Representative - Northern Ireland
  • Eileen Byrne - Regional Representative - Republic of Ireland
  • Helen Wise - Regional Representative - Scotland (East)
  • Courtney Watt - Regional Representative - Scotland (West)
  • Laura Stephens - Regional Representative - South West & Wessex
  • Emma Miler - Regional Representative - Southern (East of England)
  • vacant - Regional Representative - Southern (London)
  • Marie Calligaris - Regional Representative - Southern (Outside London, SE&E)
  • Lauren Hymns - Regional Representative - Trent
  • Jordan Roper - Regional Representative - Wales
  • Ally Matthews - Regional Representative - West Midlands
  • John Bassett - Other Representative - Medical Trainees
  • Matthew Waite - Other Representative - Medical Trainees
  • Juozas Butenas - Federation of Clinical Scientists (Pre-Registrants)
  • Kathryn Price - Federation of Clinical Scientists (Post Registrants)
  • Carina Conceicao - Other Representative - Communications Officer
  • Stephanie Laba/Helen James - Other Representative - Immunology Professional Committee (Pre-registrants)
  • Rachel Dale - Other Representative - Immunology Professional Committee (Post Registrants)
  • Eleanor Finnie - Other Representative - Microbiology Professional Committee (Pre-registrants)
  • Amy Coward - Other Representative - Microbiology Professional Committee (Post Registrants)

Regional Tutors

Our Regional Tutors promote training opportunities for clinical biochemists and immunologists in their Region by, for example, assessing the need for local courses and bidding for financial support. The Regional Tutor is responsible for the administrative aspects of the Pre-registration Training Scheme in their region and works closely with the Regional Advisor for the Royal College of Pathologist, local Training and Personnel Officers as well as liaising with the Regional Postgraduate Education Committee.

At a more personal level, the Regional Tutor may offer advice and counselling to the individual trainee assisting the Head of Department or supervisor in the training of clinical biochemists by, for example, giving advice on research projects and examination regulations, and offering counselling on career development.

Regional Tutors

  • Allison Chipchase - Eastern
  • Sall Brady - London (North East)
  • Matthew Whitlock - London (North West)
  • Wendy Armstrong - London (South)
  • Anna Milan - North West
  • Susan Troup - Northern
  • Michelle Hookham - Northern Ireland
  • Janice Reeve - Republic of Ireland
  • Karen Smith - Scotland
  • Fiona Davidson - South West & Wessex
  • Helen Bruce - South East
  • Donna Fullerton - Trent
  • Sarah Tennant - Wales
  • Anna Sanders - West Midlands
  • Claire Lloyd - Yorkshire
  • Edmund Rab - Toxicology
  • Elizabeth Hodges - Immunology
  • Zoie Aiken & Kate Templeton - Microbiology