Vitamin B12 deficiency and the NICE guidelines: A debate

4.15pm – 5.30pm BST, 11 June 2024 ‐ 1 hour 15 mins

Parallel session

Chairs:  Alexandra Yates and David Gaze

In August this year LabMed asked members for input into the consultation request on the NICE guidance on Vitamin B12 deficiency in over 16s: diagnosis and management.

The membership responded in unprecedented numbers, expressing both support for these guidance but also some concerns. In this session we will review the NICE guidance (published March 2024) and its impact on laboratory medicine, with views from  those involved in the production of the guidance, GIRFT and LabMed membership. This debate session will provide an lively interactive and interesting overview of the laboratory medicine aspect of the NICE guidance on Vitamin B12.