Neurology session

10.15am – 11.45am BST, 10 June 2025 ‐ 1 hour 30 mins

Parallel session

Chair:  Carrie Chadwick

10.15  MS, The neuroimmunology lab’s role - Nick Armfield
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) results in demyelination, axonal and neuronal loss. Oligoclonal bands (OCB) are the gold standard for the determination of intrathecal IgG synthesis, incorporated into the 2017 McDonald Criteria for MS diagnosis. OCB testing is a qualitative technique, demanding considerable experience for interpretation and assay performance. Measurement of CSF immunoglobulin free light chains (FLC), nominally κFLC, have been described as a promising alternative. 

10.45  Neurofilament light chains tested in a Neurology Laboratory - Melanie Hart
The talk will focus on the clinical utility of using CSF and blood neurofilament light chain tests in the NHS, the science and pitfalls of the assays and when these are generally requested by neurologists.

11.15  Paranodal talk - speaker TBC