9am – 9.30am BST, 12 June 2024 ‐ 30 mins
Steroid analysis in Saliva
The talk will focus on saliva collection techniques and then potential clinical applications including detection of adrenal insufficiency, investigation of PCOS and congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Chair: Kath Hayden
Brian Keevil is a Consultant Clinical Scientist at Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust. He is Clinical Lead for the Clinical Biochemistry Department at Wythenshawe hospital and Director of the Clinical Mass Spectrometry Unit.
His research interests involve the development and introduction of novel mass spectrometry methods for the measurement of therapeutic drugs and steroids. His laboratory has pioneered the use of these techniques many of which are used to underpin routine clinical services and collaborative international research projects.
Steroids have been a particular interest and the laboratory performs a wide range of steroid assays in blood urine and saliva samples. These methods are being used to refine existing endocrine protocols and to explore the use of newer novel steroids such as the 11 oxygenated steroids in the diagnosis and management of endocrine conditions. He is a co-applicant on a large NIHR grant to investigate antimicrobial drug resistance and he has been awarded a UKRI scholars grant to investigate the use of salivary cortisone in the investigation of adrenal disease.
He has published more than 240 peer reviewed publications and is an honorary Professor at the University of Manchester.
Kath Hayden is a Consultant Clinical Biochemist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester.
Following training in South Manchester, Kath has held posts in hospitals in Manchester and Liverpool over a 35 year period, overseeing significant advances in analytical technologies, point of care testing (POCT) and harmonisation of laboratories. With specialist interests in endocrinology, POCT, leadership and service improvement, her latest roles have been as Clinical Head of Division for Laboratory Medicine at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Trust Lead Healthcare Scientist, Clinical Director for Laboratory Medicine and Head of Service for Clinical Biochemistry at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Pronouns: She/her