Specialist protein assays and interpretation

3pm – 4.30pm BST, 9 June 2025 ‐ 1 hour 30 mins

Biochemistry training day

The afternoon sessions will be more clinical, focusing on interpretation of specialist test results, including CSF xanthochromia and special proteins. The structure of the workshop will be a mixture of teaching and examples for delegates to work through. The aim is to develop interpretative skills in assays that trainees may not routinely be exposed to, and is ideal for those in training or studying for exams.

Chair:  Emma Stevenson

15.00  ALP isoenzyme electrophoresis with worked examples - Vicki Thurston

15.30  Lipoprotein electrophoresis with worked examples – Katie Whitehurst

16.00  A1AT phenotyping with worked examples - Steve Rimmer